The Life of Graham Greene (1939-1955) Page 71
Durán, General Gustavo 325
Durdin, Peg 416
Durdin, Tillman 416, 425–6
Durrell, Lawrence 316
Duvalier, François ‘Papa Doc’ 508
Eliot, T.S. 159, 257
Elliott, Nicholas 138, 489, 494
The End of the Affair (Greene) xiii, 301; pre-war life 10; Dorothy and 21, 287; Catholic Church and 42; London prostitutes 79–80; V1 rockets 185–6; Greene writes 192, 306, 333–4, 345, 397; Catherine and 219, 259–61, 280, 336; Greene’s jealousy 267–70; hate is a source of love 279; end of simple lust 307; Greene decides to confront Harry 326; uncomfortable reception 370–80; film 441, 442; wins Catholic Authors award 442; reviews 502–3
England Made Me (Greene) xx, 89, 212
Enigma machine 167, 168–9
espionage see British Intelligence; Central Intelligence Agency.
Evans, Charles xix, 14–15, 41
Evening Standard 209–10
HMS Exmouth 33
Eyre & Spottiswoode Publishers 187–90; Greene invents Mrs Montgomery 192–4; Mauriac 194–6; Greene’s authors 194–8; offers Greene chairmanship 203–4
The Fallen Idol (film) 239–41, 301
Farr, M.M. 299
Faulkner, William 502–3
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 446–7
Fidrmuch, Paul (Ostro) 172–3
Finland 40
Fleming, Ian 171
Flood, Jim 413
Fonteyn, Margot 384, 499–500
Ford, Ford Madox 15, 141, 196
Forster, E.M. 489
Forter, Alexis 122
France: Munich agreement with Hitler 7; German occupation 38; The Power and the Glory a bestseller 42; Vichy Africa 119–21, 123, 130; Greene worn out by signing 308; Vietnam 359–63, 364–5, 390; Phat Diem 392–7; loses De Lattre and hope in Vietnam 421; angry about bicycle bombs 426; Greene rages at French archbishop for Colette 470–1; withdraws from Vietnam 471–2; Americans in Vietnam 475–7, 479; anglophobia in Vietnam 484
Franchini, Mathieu 410
Freetown 100–6, 130; arrival 98–9; conditions of living 113–16; trip up-country 131–2; suicides 140–2; Greene leaves 153–5; Greene returns with Dean 309–11
Frere, A.S. 14, 41
Furse, Aileen 180
García, Juan Pujol 173–4
de Gaulle, Charles: Free French in Africa 121, 130
Gent, Sir Edward 342
George, Daniel 301
George VI 206
Germany: Hugh Greene witnesses menace 10; occupies France 38; London Blitz 46–54; acquires diamonds from Portugese 122–3; desert war 167; attacks on shipping 168–9, 170; operate in Portugal and Spain 175–6; Germans working against the Nazis 176–7; unconditional surrender 206; Greene visits Russian zone 328
Getz, John 368, 419, 441
Getz, Libby 385, 441
Giap, General 363
Gide, André 264
Gilby, Thomas 504; Morals and Marriage 380
Gledhill, Cecil 178
Glover, Dorothy 138, 306; Greene meets 19–20; affair with Greene 22–5; shelter warden 50, 51, 57–8; Wednesday raid 55–6, 57–8, 59–60; wartime courage 60–1; rivalry with Vivien 62; Greene lives with 63, 165, 185–6, 224; Greene leaves for MI6 84, 89; works for Ministry of Information 90; letters to Freetown 144–5; Greene hopes for end of affair 165; meets Philby 180; voice of Mrs Montgomery 193; Greene spends VE day with 207; Greene’s love faded 215; overtaken by Catherine 232, 233–4, 261–2; Greene sends to Africa 266–7; discovers affair with Catherine 278–9; Greene’s remorse 280–3; Greene tells all to Vivien 285–6; painful trip to Africa with Greene 289–92; chooses Italian holiday 318–19; conversion telegram sounds suspicious 483–4
Goebbels, Dr Paul Josef 12
The Golden Measure (Maritain) 213
Gollancz, Victor 120
Goodger, William 297
Gorky, Maxim 247
Graham-Maingott, Tony 178
Grasset, Bernard 194
Gray, Dulcie 162
Greece 377–8
Greene, Barbara (cousin) xx, 91
Greene, Charles (father) xvi; home life 27–8; death 149–52; acceptance of Greene’s Catholicism 151
Greene, Elisabeth (sister, later Dennys) xiv, 384; works in Intelligence 83, 84; engagement to Rodney Dennys 145
Greene, Francis (son) 61, 187, 203; evacuation plans 6; questions 142; VE day 206; sees Vivien read letter 275
Greene, (Henry) Graham: suicidal thoughts xiii, xvi–xvii, 286–7, 311–12; secretiveness and masks xiv; sex xiv; marries Vivien xix, xvii; Priestley sues xix; childhood and school xvi–xvii; sees Kenneth Richmond xvii; Oxford and youth xvii–xviii; Catholicism xviii, 257, 279; first jobs xviii; early career xviii–xix; Liberian trip xx; Shirley Temple sues xx–xxi, 3; visits Mexico xxi, 3; culture shock in Britain 3–4; family life 5, 8, 61; wartime work 5, 9–10, 28–9, 30–2, 44–5; evacuates family 6–7, 16, 17, 20–1; flight on bomber 11; divides serious and entertainment writing times 13; separates work from home 13, 14, 19–20; marriage breaks up 16, 25–7, 142–3, 165, 277–8; sex 16, 251–2, 307, 498–500; affair with Dorothy 19–25, 145, 165; falls in love with Catherine 21–2, 227–8, 232–3; draft delayed 29–30; Trench persona 31–2, 40, 67; personal manner 34–5; Ministry of Information 35–8, 51; refuses to rewrite for Church 42–3; takes Spectator job 44; Blitz experiences 49–54; Wednesday raid 55–9; Clapham house bombed 62–6; demon for destruction 66; gloomy and morbid side 67–8; enjoys the Windmill Theatre 71; attacks on Noël Coward 72–8; prostitutes 79–80, 138–9, 252, 365 joins MI6 83–9; wartime will 90; sails to Africa for Intelligence 91–7; return to Freetown 98–9, 100–6; spy training 106–10, 130; life in Freetown 113–119, 133–5, 153–5; spying business 116, 118–23; dislikes interrogation and search 124–7; secretary for a spy 127–30; business of spying 130–1; wins Hawthornden prize 141–2; death seeker 145, 385; death of father 149–52; horrified by Brighton Rock play 163–4; St Albans intelligence operation 167–70; Ryder Street intelligence work 168–78, 489–91; good at intelligence fantasy 169–70; on Muggeridge as agent 170; relationship with Philby 179–81; resigns from MI6 181–3; worries about family 186–7; works for Political Intelligence 187; works for Eyre & Spottiswoode 187–90; fireguard and authority 190–1; publisher at Eyre and Spottiswoode 191–203; pranks 192–4, 213–15, 245, 490–1; Mauriac 194–6; Powell and loss of job 200–3; free to write 202; spends VE day with Dorothy 207; reviews for Evening Standard 209; tension and sadness 212–15; politics 214; sex 224 affair with Catherine deepens 229–31; portrayals of Vivien 230–1; collaborates with Reed 239–41; villa at Anacapri 246–7; attitude towards homosexuals 248; to California 253–5; ill health 255, 504; passion for Catherine 262–3, 279–80; confidence in writing 264–5; flatness after a novel 265; jealousy over Catherine 267–9, 280, 311; opium 268–71, 506–7; Vivien finds Catherine at Beaumont Street 271–2, 274; leaves Vivien 275–7; remorse over Vivien and Dorothy 280–3; Vivien considers judicial separation 283–7; takes Dorothy to Africa 289–92; Catherine and religion 298, 329, 502; prayers 299–300; not happy with fame 301–3; insecurity about Catherine 302; trip to Africa with Basil Dean 308–9; heroes reduced 312; unhappy with attempt at play 313–15; surprises US journalist 314; near breakdown 315, 316–18; drinking and drugs 317; Italian holiday with Dorothy 318; asks Catherine to marry him 318–20; battles to win Catherine 322–31; sees psychiatrist 331–3; Catherine becomes troublesome 334–6; homeless 335, 507–8; Malaya 335–6, 336, 340–1, 344–5; flirts with publisher’s daughter 339–40; encounters old enemy Wheeler 349–50; patrols with Gurkhas 353–7; troublesome affair with Catherine continues 357; arrives in Vietnam 364–8; losing Catherine 371, 372, 375, 503–4, 505–6, 508; on Korda’s yacht 376–8, 383–4; Catherine suggests no sex 380–1; cheerful visit with Waugh 381–3; returns to Vietnam 385–9; rough brothel in Vietnam 401–2; US visa troubles 437–41, 445–9, 472; leaves Vietnam 441; Hollywood under McCarthyism 442–3; goes to Kenya 461�
�9; rages at French archbishop for Colette 470–1; anti-Americanism 472–5; on colonialism 479–80; continues friendship with Philby 488–96; still an agent? 494–6; still in love with Catherine 497–8, 500, 502–3
Greene, Sir Graham (uncle) 83
Greene, Herbert (brother) xiv; England Made Me xx; agent for Japanese Intelligence 83–4
Greene, Hugh (brother) xiv, 20, 334, 410; expelled from Germany 10; Warsaw correspondent 12; Dorothy 23, 145; sends Greene a secretary 128; dislike for Catherine 225; Malaya 339, 342–4, 481 Greene, Lucy (daughter) 61, 406; birth xx; war looms 5; Greene drinks to 97
Greene, Marion (mother) xiv; home life 27–8; relationship with Vivien 44; Wednesday raid 58–9; death of husband 149–52; fictional portraits 150; upset by Greene leaving Vivien 276–7
Greene, Molly (sister) xiv, 5 Greene, Nora (aunt) 27
Greene, Raymond (brother) xiv; hears Catherine’s side 330
Greene, Vivien (wife, née Dayrell-Browning): early marriage xix; intends to write book about the marriage xv; courtship xviii; family life 5, 8, 10; evacuation 6–7, 20–1, 27–8; Greene’s affection and regret 11; marriage breaks up 16, 25–7, 60–1, 142–3, 165, 277–8; wartime evacuation 16, 17; Greene’s affair with Dorothy 21–3,24, 62, 265, 285–6; wartime Oxford 44–5, 60, 141, 206–7; Clapham house bombed 63–4, 65–6; hurt by ‘The Destructors’ 66; opposition to Intelligence job melts 85; worried about taxes 107; vets Brighton Rock script 161–2; Greene worries about 186–7; VE day without husband 206–7; no more children 208; Greene no longer loves 215; disturbed by Catherine 224–6, 228–30, 266, 267, 283; anguish reflected in The Heart of the Matter 233–8; Catholicism and Greene’s conversion 257; Swiss holiday with absent-minded husband 263–4; trip to US 269, 270; strained relationship 270–71; confronted with Catherine in the house 271–2, 274; Greene leaves 275–7; considers judicial separation 283–7; prayers aren’t bargaining 300; remembers birthday 306; Greene considers annulment 323; no going back 335; shocked by Danish marriage rumour 340; role in The Quiet American 405–9; Greene feels distance 503
Griffin, Cardinal 42
Guinzberg, Harold 439, 442
Gullion, Edmund 361, 363–4, 367, 419; thought French wrong 421–2; CIA and Thé 434
A Gun for Sale (Greene) 212; film 141, 146, 239; success in France 199
Gurkhas 353–7
Gurney, Sir Henry 341
Haiti 508
Hale, Lionel 301
Haley, Sir William 458
Hammerstein, Oscar 304, 313, 314, 315
Harris, Frank 213
Harris, Wilson 110; Greene’s pranks 213–14
Hart–Davis, Rupert 20–1
Harwood (school friend) 112, 137
Hassall, Christopher 141
Hastings, Lady Selina 320
Havana 447, 448
Haw–Haw, Lord (William Joyce) 47, 205–6
Hawthornden Prize 141–2, 303
Hayward, John 233, 258, 264–5, 319
Hazzard, Shirley 247
The Heart of the Matter (Greene) 212; context xiii; Catholic Church nearly condemns 42; Freetown 98, 104–5, 115, 135—8, 310–11; cockroach stalks in Lagos 109–12; Freetown police commissioner 117–18; irritation with spying business 123; interrogation and search 125–7; trip up-country from Freetown 131–2; choosing servants 134; suicide of Pemberton 139–40; telegrams about death 151–2; Greene writes 192, 211, 293–4; New York plug 199; success 202; Catherine 219, 263–4; Vivien 230, 233–8, 283; Greene feels empty afterwards 242; film rights 253; shipboard reading 253; Greene’s jealousy 268; confessions 273—4; sin and salvation 279; Dorothy 282; Scobie’s suicide a worry to Vivien 287; publication 291, 292; reviews 294–5, 301, 302; suicide and sex upsets Catholics 294–9; prayers 299–300; standing in Greene’s works 301; brings fame 301–3; sales success 303; play 304–7, 313–15, 324, 325
Heath, Donald 403, 405, 413, 421; bicycle bombs 425, 430; Cao Dai 432
Heinemann Publishers 14–15; take on Greene as salaried writer xix; not pushing The Power and the Glory 41–2; Greene plans to stay with 188; produce uniform editions 212
Herbert, A.P.: the Blitz 46
Hertogh, Maria 346–7
Higham, David 187 see also Pearn, Pollinger & Higham Literary Agents.; on Dorothy 23; Anthony Powell 201
Himmler, Heinrich 175
Hitler, Adolf: meets Chamberlain 6, 7; spreads through Europe 7, 8, 39–40; assassination plot 178–9, 182–3; death 205
Ho Chi Minh 359–60, 360, 363, 471, 476, 484
Hochstetter, Leo 418–19
Holden, Inez 211
Holy Cross Mission, Liberia 122, 123
Hong Kong 441
Hoover, Herbert 40
Hopkinson, Tom 50
Hostovsky, Egon 202, 246
Huebsch, Ben 8, 9, 10
Hugo, Victor 404
The Human Factor (Greene): secret ink 118; reading Trollope in Africa 134–5; portrayal of parents 150; Greene’s liking for West Africa 153; pub lunches 179
Huu, Tran Van 367
Huu-Tu, Bishop Le 390–1, 484
‘I Do Not Believe’ (Greene) 231
India 384
‘Invitation du Voyage’ (Baudelaire) 369, 371
Ireland: bans The Heart of the Matter 303
Irish Republican Army 33
It’s a Battlefield (Greene) xix, 89, 212
James, Henry: parodies 31–2, 252
Jameson, Storm 36
Jerrold, Douglas 186, 187, 197; on Greene the publisher 192; working relationship with Greene 198, 199; disagreement with Greene over Powell 201–2
Jews 11
John, Otto 178
Jollye, Mr 414–15, 475
Jones, Evelyn 171
Journey Without Maps (Greene) xx, 91, 122, 212; similar walk from Freetown 131–2
Joyce, William (Lord Haw-Haw) 47, 205–6
Kago, ‘General’ 463–4
Kee, Robert: A Crowd is Not Company 198
Kennedy, Charles Stuart 440
Kennedy, John F. 422
Kenya 461–9
Keyes, Evelyn 305, 307
Keyes, Frances Parkinson 189, 198 KGB 494–5, 496
Kimathi, Sir Dedan 463–4, 465
Kingsmill, Hugh 197–8, 200, 201
Knightley, Phillip, 83
Koestler, Arthur 438
Korda, Sir Alexander: The Fallen Idol 239; The Third Man (Greene) 242, 243; invites Greene to Elsewhere 334–5,376–8, 382, 383–4; sketched in Loser Takes All 381; helps SIS 487–8; death 507; saves Greene from suicide 507
Kreuger, Ivar xix–xx
Kruger, Herr 4
Laffont, Robert 303
Lagos 106–10
Lam Swee 343–4
Lancaster, Donald 488
Lansdale, Colonel Edward 416–17, 423
Lasky, Victor 445
De Lattre, Bernard 390, 481
De Lattre de Tassigny, General Jean 360–2, 366–7, 397; Phat Diem and loss of son 390, 481; death 421; suspects Greene and Wilson of spying 481–7; ill health 483
Lavater, Johann Kasper 481
The Lawless Roads (Greene) 3, 8, 186, 212
Le Carré, John 489
Le Van Hoach 405
Lehmann, John 17
Lehmann, Rosamond 77–8
Leigh, Vivien 382, 384, 499
Leitch, David, 83
Leroy, Colonel 417–18, 419
Lewis, D.B. Wyndham 197
Liberia xx, 122
Liebling, A.J. 413, 420, 423, 429–30
‘The Lieutenant Died Last’ (Greene) 37; film version Went the Day Well 89–90 Life (magazine) 262; Greene becomes India correspondent 199–200; Malaya article 341, 350, 356; photographers on the spot 429–30; Greene’s reason to visit Vietnam 483–4
Linnit, Bill: production of Brighton Rock 159–61, 163
Litkie, Billy 351–2
The Living Room (Greene) 445; Greene writes 450–1; Stockholm and reviews 451–4; British tour 454–7
Lock, Sir Tan Chen
g 506–7
London: pre-war atmosphere 4–10; wartime emigration 20; the Blitz 46–54; Wednesday, 16 April 1941 raid 55–9; new bombing campaign 154; V rockets 184–6, 190–1, 205
London After Dark (radio programme) 48
London Can Take It 48
‘London in Spring’ (Greene, BBC commission) 78–9
Loser Takes All (Greene): Korda 381
The Lost Illusion see The Fallen Idol.
Low, David 23, 59, 167
Lowndes, Marie Belloc 189–90
Luling, Sylvia 320
Lundkvist, Artur 451–4
Lunn, Arnold 189
Mabey, C.J. 140
MacDonald, Malcolm 342
Mackenzie, Compton 247
Mackenzie, Mrs Compton 64
Mackenzie family 102–3, 105
Mackie, Father 136–7, 151
MacNeice, Louis 461
Malaya: Hugh invites Greene 339; Greene arrives 340–1; emergency/War of the Running Dogs 341–4, 345–6, 351–7; Greene’s visit 344–6, 348–57; Gurkha patrol 354–7
The Man Within (Greene) xviii–xix; Vivien 230–1; sin and repentance 283
Mantichorian Society xvii
Maritain, Madame: The Golden Measure 213
Martindale, Rev. C.C. 284, 298–9
Martyn, Dr John 102–4
Masaryk, Jan 246, 247
Masaryk, Thomas 246
Masters, David 189
Matthew, Bishop David 39, 341
Matthew, Revd Gervase 39
Mau Mau rebellion 461–9
Maugham, W. Somerset 210
Mauriac, Francois 39, 42, 312; A Woman of the Pharisees 194; Greene enlists for E & S 194–6; writes preface to The Power and the Glory 195; A Nest of Vipers 196; influence on Greene 196
McCarran Act 437–9, 443, 472; Chaplin and 443–5; Greene attacks 446–9
McCarthy, Senator Joseph 437, 442–3, 444, 445
McClintock, Robert 438
McFall, Frances 220
McGill, Father 467, 469
Melchett, Lady 219, 223, 259, 320
Menzies, Sir Stuart (‘C’) 171–2
Mexico xxi, 3, 41
MI6 see British Intelligence
Mills, (Sir) John 160
Milne, Tim 167, 182
The Ministry of Fear (Greene) 162, 212; Greene’s Blitz experience 49, 53–4; Greene writes 145–7; wartime publishing risks 146–7; Greene still insecure after 188
Ministry of Information 35–8, 51; Coward tours world for 72–3